the dialectic

Saturday, August 27, 2005


i think i may be officially going crazy.

i usually talk to myself, it's a habit that grew when i started living by myself. but i usually do it in acceptable situations- like at my house, or in cubicles when i used to do the corporate thing.

but the other day i was walking across campus and i actually said something to myself outloud. as other people were walking in front of me, behind me, and past me. then i said "oh!" really loud when i realized what i had just done.


my schedule is driving me insane, i don't know how i'm going to get everything done. especially since i love to sleep, and i am quickly figuring out that i am too old to pull all-nighters.

the people in my program are crazy, so i guess i fit in. the girl that sits next to me in two of my classes is from arkansas. and the first class she sat next to me in, she informed me that she had narcolepsy and that if she fell asleep, i was to "knock the shit out of her." what? no thanks. she then proceeded to pull out some lisa frank-looking trapper-keeper folder to put her syllabus in. she has one for every class.

Monday, August 22, 2005

i'm sortve starting to freak out about school...because i feel like i have everything under control, but i'm probably completely wrong!

work for honors has been slooow so i get class stuff done there. but i feel bad about it. like today i typed a paper there since i still have no computer.

will my loan ever come?

okay, on to the good stuff.

ohmygod, saturday night was HILARIOUS.
i went out with sari. for some reason, wierd things occur on saturdays. last weekend it was a secret room at the heart shaped burger place, where there was a broken drum set, banjos, and an 18 yr old kid playing guitar.

this week, sari's friend fluffy was out. fluffy is 6'7" and has tattoos on his head. including one that says, DRIVEN BY ANGER. and he lives two blocks from my house so i proclaimed us to be bff.

we rode in the back of a pick-up truck, and hung out at fluffy's house, where he had the best props ever. here are my pictures to back that claim.

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this is james or jason or something. he drove the pick-up truck. he introduced himself as "disgusting." we later referred to him as "sharpie" and "hippie."

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fluffy wears footies

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me, dancing

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sari in fluffy's studded acid wash denim vest, and satan

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okay, back to WORK WORK WORK.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

i'm the only one left in the office, so i stole a pepsi vanilla from the fridge because i really really needed a soda of some sort and i have absolutely no money or change. so basically i'm going to hell.

i went and bought my books for the semester. goodbye $187. one of them was a four-inch thick course pack and one of them is entitled "multiple regression and causal analysis." what?

i think i used to be a much nicer person than i am now. does anyone ever stop to think about how they act now, and how maybe they used to act in the past? it seems like i was a totally different person. i think i heard on npr something about how we actually do become totally different people every certain amount of years, and that all we are left with is memories. that probably makes absolutely no sense. i wish i could remember what show that was on so i could find the transcript.

my brain is awry.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

ethnographic ethnographer of ethnology

so yesterday was my first day of class.

i'm in love.


it was the anthropology class, so i'm worried i might have to do some extra reading because i have absolutely no background in it, but i talked to the professor about it and she said she'd be happy to help me. it's an ethnographic methods class, which deals with interviews and oral histories and such, so i have to complete an ethnographic project.

so, hey sari, i think i might use your studio as one of my observations! i'm so excited.

and then sunday night i got to hang out with josh! josh, matt, and erik were in town to play a show....and amy was along with them. i missed them playing, though, because i was in statesboro until like 9:30pm. so i was exhausted, and i was just going to say hi, but when i saw them i changed my mind.

we hung out at the house for a bit...unfortunately the show had to end early because the guy's landlord came. eventually we made it downtown, which i don't know if everyone is up to date on georgia's liquor laws, but they don't sell alcohol on sunday and almost everything is closed on sunday. so downtown was pretty dead. we went to the mercury lounge, where the guys from the savannah band were supposed to be. they were already gone, and it was pretty empty in there, so we left. we walked by NV, a booty club. they had a sign that said "NO COVER. 1$ DRINKS." so they all wanted to go in. it was hilarious. it's just like i imagine plush would be. and the guy's bathroom had a huge waterfall in it, used as a urinal. INSANE.

i finished another purse. i made one for my grandma, because she really wanted one. she has really bad arthritis, so i made it pretty open and soft so it wouldn't hurt her hands. i thought i wouldn't be able to do it until after this semester, but i'm going to surprise her and send it to her now. i also did my first pocket! it's on the inside so you can't see it.

she's so funny. she left me a message the other night, and she just now realized that she could call my cell phone and that it wouldn't be long distance. i've been here since june! haha. it was great.

i'm off now to my next class, a seminar on organizations.
so, to be continued!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

i had a coupon for arbys. two chicken sandwichs. i havent gone grocery shopping, so i was going to eat one for lunch and one for dinner.

yeah they're both gone as of 1:22pm.

exciting work stuff. i'm going to work on their website. a lady in admissions showed me how. i've always wanted to do that. and i said to the director, hey she said i need dreamweaver. and he said, okay we'll buy it.

things i want to buy once i get my loan:
oil change
storage stuff for my desk area
a visit to the dentist
garbage can for my apt
a plane ticket to dc
a plane ticket to chicago
internet access for my apt

i think that's all. i don't think it will be enough, so i'll have to pick and choose.

i love being back in academia. example: the director of the honors program is a political science professor. he wears the standard male academia outfits, all in shades of safari. or at least what i think of safari: green, khaki, brown. he drives a sortve station wagon subaru. today some office people were talking about wal-mart, and he said he had only been in there once, and that was for a labor union strike.

crazy secretary who i love but really sortve gets on my nerves who ive been writing about lately got off the phone with her husband today, and says, 'oh i've got to go pick up the 50 cent record for my husband.' WHAT? she says, 'yeah i don't really understand him. when i get home he's always watching BET.' if you saw the secretary and heard her southern drawl, you would understand my shock. they're both in their mid-50s.

i thought that when i moved to savannah i could start my library fine problem off with a clean slate, but alas, i already owe money to the chatham county public library. i think i pretty much funded a staff person at both the unf library and duval county library with all my late fees there.

josh's band CIVILIZATION will be playing savannah on saturday.
it's a metal show, at a house. so i'm a tiny bit scared.
but i can't wait to see him!

PANERA UPDATE: i got an email from stella, the customer service lady. she says thank you for my suggestion but panera already has a team of people scoping out real estate and places for locations. "While we don't release information regarding our planned locations, we appreciate your interest in our company's growth. Thanks again for contacting us. We hope you will enjoy Panera Bread in your neighborhood soon."

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

and again

people at work are really pissing me off.
do people really get into loud arguments in the middle of working together? then talk about calling police and feeling 'physically threatened?'
what the f.
i felt like i was back in hell, er, my ninth grade classroom.

that's all i will say about that, because who knows, i might get subpeonaed or something. jesus christ.
i don't get paid enough to deal with that.

school work is okay. the secretary talks WAY too much. she's lived in statesboro her whole life, which means she knows everyone and everything about it. her stories are interesting, but now we're all sharing our workspace, which means my workspace leaves little in the way of concentration.

class next week!
i'm nervous, yet excited.

i walked around the student union today, to get my student id.
i saw several freshmen walking around, with their worried mommys and daddys.

it made me glad that i live in savannah.

i definitely just filled out an online comment thing to panera and told them to open one in savannah. NERD.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

oh, 'boro

well let me start off by saying that i burned the mess out of some rice a little while ago. i think i smell like it. it was horrible. i had to leave the apartment. i guess they weren't kidding when they said to stir frequently.

and just when i thought i was getting to be a good cook.

today the most amazing thing happened at school. i'm going to write it as a short short story. remember that i said previously that the honors office is actually a two bedroom 'cottage' where grad students used to live.

I'm walking through the hallway to the kitchen, which has now been changed into the breakroom/supply closet/copy room. I see an older guy, bald, with old tattoos on his arm, you know, the kind that are faded to almost a navy blue color and stretched out. He knocks on the door, and I hear him say, "Come on honey, someone's in here" in a thick Southern accent.

Ron, who has worked in the honors cottage for 6 years, walks out to see what the noise is all about.

The man, wearing black faded jeans and cowboy boots, looks straight past me and tells Ron, "Hey, I built these buildings!"

'These buildings' have to be 30 or 40 years old. Ron says, "Wow, really?"

"Yeah! I want to show it to my wife. I'm gonna build our house to be exactly like this!"

A woman walks in with blondish curly hair piled on top of her head, a little too much make-up on her face, and ill-fitting clothes. The kind where the shirt doesn't quite cover the belly, and the pants don't quite zip up right.

"See," he says. "This is it!"

He proceeds to get into a whole conversation with Ron about what they use the cottage for now. He repeatedly talks about how he is going to build it for him and his wife.

"Yep, two bedrooms and one bathroom."

His wife pipes in. "Well, we have to add another bathroom." She says, in a thick accent that appears to be Russian. Mail-order bride? Ron speculated that after they left. Anyway, she begins to say that her husband takes too long in the bathroom, but he cuts her off and says goodbye to Ron.

"We better head out. We drove 60 miles to come look at these."

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

ryan's 'too busy' to email me the pictures from this past weekend, but i stole two from his myspace page

for those of you who don't know (ahem, sari) the first picture is my brother timmy, me, my brother ryan, and clay & amy. amy is my sis, and clay is her FIANCE. that's right. i'm predicting a proposal next week. mark my words.
then the second one is timmy, me & ryan.

i have been so incredibly tired the past few days, it's ridiculous. i've just worked at school, then gone home and chilled so it really shouldn't be that bad.

i've gotten the drive down to 45 minutes. it seems like every day i go faster, so i need to watch myself.

today they were mowing I-16's yard and it smelled great.

i'm never having a life again, with my work schedule. this week AND next week i OPEN at 5:30am on Friday and Saturday. YUCK.

i'm thinking about looking for a different job...maybe a bookstore or something? where i can just work weekends. but i don't know, because i did just get promoted.